Botox Therapy for Migraines

30 Aug

Health Canada has given the green light to use Botox for migraines, says the Globe and Mail.

Why Botox?

Botox is injected into pain sites around the head in a 5-10 min procedure administered by a specially trained professional.  Botox prevents certain chemicals from reaching nerve endings, thereby reducing migraine pain.

Most insurance companies cover Botox treatments if two medications were tried, both for at least two months without migraine improvement.

Is it Safe?

Botox has been proven as a safe and effective therapy and has been widely used for more than 25 years.  Over the past 30 years, Botox has been evaluated in more than 200 studies specific to approved indications in Canada, the US, and Europe.

How it Works

Botox is injected into pain sites around the head and prevents certain chemicals from reaching nerve endings, thereby reducing migraine pain.  Effectiveness emerges roughly one week post-injection, peaks around six weeks, and fades around three months.

Because many of the pain sides are located in the face where wrinkles occur, treating the migraine pain has the added benefit of eliminating wrinkles in those areas.

Do you suffer from Migraines?

If you suffer from migraines, and would like to try another alternative to medication and its side-effects, call our office at 905-338-6684 for a consultation.

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Oakville, ON L6K 3V7

(905) 338-6684

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