TMJ Treatment

TMJ stands for Temporo-Mandibular Joint. TMJ Disorder TMD) is a progressive disease. Symptoms usually worsen over time, and some may become irreversible if not treated early. Disc Displacement can become permanent and very limiting if not treated at an early stage. Many people who leave a click untreated may end up with locked jaw and limited opening permanently, resulting in chronic pain, inability to chew foods, inability to open mouth, difficulty yawning, and anxiety which often comes with the limitations of this condition.

We help patients understand the severity of their TMD condition, how to manage it, and how to treat it properly. Treatment will depend on severity, degenerative changes in the TMJ, as well as patient compliance. If diagnosed in its early stages, treatment is typically faster and easier to resolve all symptoms.

Do you have TMD?

TMD is a common disorder affecting a wide variety of people. The vast majority of TMJ Dysfunction sufferers are not aware that the root cause of their symptoms is the way their teeth are positioned, causing their mandible (lower jaw) to misalign. This results in the condyle (the head of the jaw) to be displaced, most often posteriorly. resulting in an array of symptoms.


When a patient presents with symptoms of TMJ disorder, there are certain clinical signs that we look for to help us diagnose the type of TMD they have, what caused it, and how it has progressed. Most common of these are:

  • Tooth Wear
  • Abfractions (notching of teeth at the gumline)
  • Loose teeth
  • Specific pattern of bone loss (on x-ray)
  • Myoclonus (muscle twitching on a lateral slide)
  • Presence of tori
  • Narrow upper and/or lower arch
  • Lingually inclined posterior teeth
  • Lingually inclined upper anterior teeth
  • Bicuspids missing (extracted for braces)
  • Lateral slide interferences on posterior teeth
  • Gum recession on teeth that have lateral interferences
  • Fremitus on anterior teeth (vibration on closing)

Dr. Agatha Bis

Oakville Dentist, Dr. Agatha Bis, DDS received her Doctor of Dental Surgery degree from University of Western Ontario in 1996. With over 25 years of clinical experience creating beautiful and healthy smiles, Dr. Bis offers a unique approach to dentistry, blending modern dental practices with the use of digital technology to optimize health outcomes.
With thousands of hours in post-graduate training, her unique focus and expertise in treating TMD and providing options in restorative dentistry, along with digital technology has led to helping numerous patients resolve chronic and debilitating dental challenges.

Transform your smile today with Dr. Agatha Bis. Book now!

710 Dorval Dr #220

Oakville, ON L6K 3V7

(905) 338-6684

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Opening Hours

Mon - Fri: 9am – 5pm