Shattering Myths: Reversing Dental Decay Naturally

16 Oct
Dental Decay Oakville | Holistic Dentist

We are cognizant that some who look toward a holistic lifestyle also might look toward at-home remedies to correct dental and health concerns before seeking professional advice. While we applaud people’s commitment to exploring their optimal health, we caution that there are just some health concerns that require professional intervention. The restoration of decaying teeth and a healthy mouth is absolutely one of those times.

Online Myths About Dental Decay

We have read the myths online, and even in some books, about reversing tooth decay naturally. Some tout diets rich in Vitamin D, others speak to a remineralization process through a change in nutrition. What they fail to share is that tooth decay is permanent damage that can never be reversed. While we agree that a diet rich in vitamins and minerals is key to preventive dentistry and creating a healthy mouth environment, once decay has begun, it can be slowed, but never reversed.

Similarly, a diet with nutritional gaps will absolutely contribute to tooth decay. In essence, at the root of tooth decay are nutritional and habitual deficits, which in turn leave the mouth and gums weak and open to degeneration. That is a proven fact. What is not proven, by any traditional or holistic dentist, is that decay has ever been effectively reversed with diet alone.

The Internet Has Changed People’s Approach to Family Dental Care

“The Internet has made it so easy for Canadians to play armchair doctor,” says Dr. Agatha Bis, Holistic & Cosmetic Dentist. “However, the concern is that instead of seeking treatment when needed, patients will first try at-home remedies that are not addressing the issue, thereby allowing the decay and bacteria to grow and spread. That causes many concerns for me as a family dental care provider, as I know the potential impact that bacteria can have, not only in the mouth, but throughout the body. Ideally, our patients seek our advice in how to combine both at-home and professional treatments for a truly holistic approach that works.”

While many of these at-home habits are great for keeping healthy teeth healthy; these methods are not a proven approach to reversing the damage already done. In fact, just the opposite. When there are already signs of tooth decay, the only proven step to ward off further decay and damage is to seek treatment from an experienced dental provider.

Holistic Dentistry in Oakville

For those patients concerned with healthy alternatives, we highly recommend searching out, and talking with, a holistic dental provider, like Dr. Agatha Bis. They are trained and highly attuned to the biomechanics of their patients and combine a whole-view approach to dental and health care. They will address tooth decay in a sympathetic way that fits a natural lifestyle, while providing the education to help prevent further decay in the future.

If you would like to learn more about our approach to family holistic dentistry and/or cosmetic dentistry in Oakville, or have a question about your specific situation, get in touch with Oakville Dentist, Dr. Agatha Bis and her team by calling 905.338.6684 or by completing the form below.

Dr. Agatha Bis Dentistry is located in Oakville Ontario and helps patients from Oakville, Burlington, Hamilton, Mississauga and Toronto with their holistic and cosmetic dental needs.

710 Dorval Dr #220

Oakville, ON L6K 3V7

(905) 338-6684

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Mon - Fri: 9am – 5pm