Five Signs that You are Ready to Switch to a Holistic Dentist

23 Oct
Dr. Agatha Bis Oakville Switch To A Holistic Dentist

Setting the scene to switch to a Holistic Dentist

Let’s set the scene. You have been receiving traditional dental care for your entire life and suddenly you are introduced to the concept of holistic dentistry… and it intrigues you. You are drawn to the idea that your family dental care provider can, and will, work in collaboration with you and your medical providers to help achieve optimal wellness.

What do you do? Do you switch dentists to one who has the experience and commitment to provide quality holistic dental services, or do you go with the status quo? The decision is ultimately yours, but here are five signs that you might be ready for the switch.

  1. You have underlying health concerns. It feels like no matter how many times we say this, it doesn’t sink in, so, let’s try this again… your overall medical health is intrinsically connected to the health of your teeth. In fact, there are some dental indicators that point directly to potential health concerns, such as heart disease and diabetes. If you have pre-existing medical conditions, you’ll want to work with a team that takes your whole wellness into consideration and is open to collaboration with your medical team.
  2. Reverse previous dental treatments. If every time you smile you are reminded that you have harmful materials lurking in your mouth, it might be time to visit Dr. Agatha Bis, Family and Cosmetic Holistic Dentist. The removal of mercury-based fillings is a great first step to reclaiming a healthy mouth, as research has shown that when those with traditional mercury fillings chew, grind their teeth, or simply brush, a mercury vapour is released into the body. While some reports say that trace amounts of mercury are not harmful, we would rather adopt a zero-tolerance policy and switch out harmful mercury for more biocompatible materials such as BPA-free resin.
  3. You are sensitive to, or aware of, the traditional dental materials used. Mercury fillings are just one area of concern when it comes to the materials historically used in traditional dentistry. As a holistic dentist, Dr. Bis looks to use materials that are compatible with the patient, including porcelain, BPA-free resin and fluoride-free resin, to name a few. What’s different here is that she will collaborate and educate patients on the materials she recommends before proceeding.
  4. You want a dentist who listens. From the very first visit you will notice an immediate difference in the quality of discussions you have with your dentist. Dr. Bis conducts a thorough health history, looking at your health as a whole. What is truly unique is how she encourages her patients to ask as many questions as they want, and to bring their own research to her attention. She wants full buy-in from patients on their holistic dental treatments.
  5. You are proactive about your health. You understand that a healthy outlook is based on a proactive, rather than reactive, approach to your health. Looking at ways to develop a preventive dental treatment plan is at the cornerstone of holistic dentistry.

If you checked at least one of these boxes, consider a visit with Dr. Agatha Bis, a leading holistic and family dental care provider in Oakville. With a commitment to continuing education, Dr. Bis is at the forefront of holistic dentistry and values a collaborative approach with her patients.

If you are interested in a switch to a holistic dentist, or would like to learn more about our approach to family holistic dental care in Oakville; get in touch with Dr. Agatha Bis and her team by calling 905.338.6684 or by completing the form below.

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Dr. Agatha Bis Dentistry would like to help you switch to a holistic dentist. We are located in Oakville Ontario and help patients from Oakville, Burlington, Hamilton, Mississauga and Toronto with their holistic and cosmetic dental needs.

710 Dorval Dr #220

Oakville, ON L6K 3V7

(905) 338-6684

Call us today!

Opening Hours

Mon - Fri: 9am – 5pm