Not All Insurance Policies are Created Equal

8 Nov
Dental Insurance Blog In Oakville | Holistic Dentist

Setting the scene to switch to a Holistic Dentist

The truth is that there are probably thousands of insurance policies in existence and there is no way that our Oakville dental team can know the specific details of each patient’s plan. We can, however, help you navigate the confusing world of insurance to maximize your dental benefits.

We suggest that patients take ownership of their own benefits and educate themselves on their coverage. Not only will they be better equipped to leverage their benefits, but will likely learn about opportunities available that they never even knew about. It isn’t your insurance companies’ job to ensure you are maximizing your benefits, it’s yours!

It Takes a Village

When you visit our Oakville office, we recommend you do a little research first and ask your insurance provider a few questions:

  • What is the amount allowable for basic treatment – i.e. cleanings, sealants, fillings, etc…?
  • What is the amount allowable for major treatments – i.e. dental implants, veneers, crowns, root canals?
  • What is my maximum allowable each year?
  • When does my insurance year end? Don’t assume it’s the same as the calendar year.
  • Do I have a flex or spending account to use at my discretion?

Coming in armed with at least that basic information, will help Dr. Bis direct you on the best proactive treatment plan available.

Warning: Pre-determinations are Not Always in Your Best Interests

So often the insurance companies go-to response is to ask for a pre-determination of services. Remember, your insurance provider does not have your best dental health in mind… in fact, they’d be all too happy to decline your claim. They are in the business of making money, so, when they ask you to submit a pre-determination, ask them why. If your pre-determination is declined, it is much harder to appeal for coverage.

It’s important to know that a pre-determination is a best guess about what will be done. However, in more complicated cases, Dr. Bis may encounter something unexpected once work commences, that didn’t show-up in the exams or x-rays. The scope of work might shift, leaving you vulnerable with your insurance company. If the team knows your coverage, we can help direct you better.

Dental Accidents Happen – Understand Your Insurance Policy

We often see patients in our office who have dental trauma due to an accident. Understanding your policy can help you identify the correct procedure for submitting a claim. Many policies offer dental work in the medical benefits part of the policy if the work required is due to an accident. Perhaps you had an accident at work… that can be a WSIB claim.

The bottom line is that the more we know, the more equipped our team is to help. Let us know the circumstances surrounding your dental needs and provide as much information as you can regarding your dental policies. Many insurance companies now offer comprehensive information online or through an app. If in doubt, take a few minutes to call your insurance policy directly and have them spell out the details of your plan.

Just a simple 5-minute conversation can save you money down the road.

If you are interested in an Oakville Dentist, or would like to learn more about our approach to family holistic dental care in Oakville; get in touch with Dr. Agatha Bis and her team by calling 905.338.6684 or by completing the form below.

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Dr. Agatha Bis Dentistry would like to help you switch to a holistic dentist. We are located in Oakville Ontario and help patients from Oakville, Burlington, Hamilton, Mississauga and Toronto with their holistic and cosmetic dental needs.

710 Dorval Dr #220

Oakville, ON L6K 3V7

(905) 338-6684

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Mon - Fri: 9am – 5pm