Myth Buster: Traditional Dentistry is More Effective than Holistic

13 Nov
Dental Health Hormones Female Holistic | Smiles By Bis

Traditional Dentistry vs Holistic Dentistry: What You Need To Know

Whenever there is a new approach to a traditional service there is bound to be some questions, some controversy, some skepticism. It’s our job to set the record straight and that’s what Dr. Agatha Bis loves to do when it comes to the question of holistic dentistry.

In a nutshell, holistic dentistry is about treating the whole person, not just the mouth. It is grounded in the belief that your oral health has as much of an effect on your whole body as other major organs, such as the heart or liver and therefore, should be treated equally. It’s also about listening to the patient and understanding their concerns and health goals and working together on developing an achievable treatment plan.

Holistic dentists, like Dr. Bis, have the exact same level of training as “traditional dentists,” plus additional training in holistic approaches. You will likely find that holistic dentists are more proactive in continuing education. Dr. Bis, for example, attends multiple conferences each year to ensure she stays current and brings in the techniques and tools that make the dental experience more positive for her patients.

Like traditional dentists, the primary concern of holistic dentists is always the dental health of their patient. However, unlike traditional dentists, they look beyond the mouth. Here are some areas where a holistic dentist performs differently:

  • Amalgam Fillings: Holistic dentists understand that mercury is toxic and has no place in the mouth. They have the technique and the equipment to safely remove and replace amalgam fillings with a more biocompatible material.
  • Fluoride: Holistic dentists use other alternatives to decay reduction as well as discuss when, and if, to use fluoride in specific cases.
  • Protection Against Mercury: holistic dentists use various techniques to protect you from mercury exposure when removing amalgam fillings.
  • Biocompatibility of Dental Materials: Holistic dentists believe that what goes into your mouth can affect your entire body and often investigate the biocompatibility of the materials that they use with each patient. Understanding the sensitivities and reactions of their patients will help them determine the materials best suited to the treatment.

Bottom Line: Challenge Traditional Thinking with Traditional Dentistry

Do not let the fear of the unknown stop you from educating yourself on healthier alternatives to dental care. If you are still uncertain about the differences between traditional and holistic dentistry, we invite you to talk with Dr. Bis… what you’ll learn might just shock you and then you’ll be armed with the information to challenge others when they say, “holistic dentistry is the same as traditional dentistry.”

With a commitment to continuing education, Dr. Bis is at the forefront of holistic dentistry and values a collaborative approach with her patients. If you are interested in an Oakville Dentist, or would like to learn more about our approach to family holistic dental care in Oakville; get in touch with Dr. Agatha Bis and her team by calling 905.338.6684 or by completing the form below.

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Dr. Agatha Bis Dentistry would like to help you switch to a holistic dentist. We are located in Oakville Ontario and help patients from Oakville, Burlington, Hamilton, Mississauga and Toronto with their holistic and cosmetic dental needs.

710 Dorval Dr #220

Oakville, ON L6K 3V7

(905) 338-6684

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Mon - Fri: 9am – 5pm