A Holistic Approach to Dentistry

26 Aug

We really could spell holistic “Wholistic,” as our holistic approach to dentistry looks at the whole being rather than simply the mouth. While traditional dentistry is supremely effective in ensuring a healthy mouth, gums, jaws, etc… holistic dentistry combines the best of traditional dentistry with a more focused approach to finding links between dental and overall health.

When you find a holistic dentist, you will notice differences in the way they approach your health care. From the smallest of details to more significant changes, holistic dentistry takes a uniquely different approach with their patients. However, at the end of the day, a patient’s care is ultimately their decision and is respected by all dental professionals.

Here are six things you’ll notice when you visit Dr. Agatha Bis and her team:

  1. Thorough Health History: Beyond the usual questions of any changes to your health and any new medications, a holistic dentist will conduct a deep-dive into all aspects of your health care. You will be asked about your nutrition; your last medical visit; exercise routines; any genetic medical conditions, beyond dental ones; etc… Holistic dentists, like Dr. Bis look to find connections between your dental and overall health and that starts with a thorough health history.
  2. Collaborative Approach With Clients: Open communication is a key element of the holistic dentist / patient relationship. It is imperative that you trust your dentist enough to share private medical and health information without fear of judgment, but rather with the understanding that is in the best interest’s of your own health. In turn, a holistic dentist shares their best recommendations and discusses various treatment options for you to consider.
  3. Limited Use of X-Rays: A holistic dentist typically believes that if there are practically no change to your dental health, x-rays are not required at each visit. When a closer look is warranted, they will tend to use digital x-rays to reduce your exposure to radiation by as much as 80% over the traditional x-ray systems.
  4. Choice of Materials: The use of biocompatible materials that work with your body, not against it, are at the forefront of holistic dentistry. For example, recent studies have shown negative health effects of the traditional silver fillings, which contain mercury. A holistic dentist will work with you to discuss the materials used in treatment, and if and how, to replace older, materials within the mouth.
  5. Care Outside the Office: Beyond the dental chair, a holistic dentist cares about your ongoing health. Providing insight into nutrition and healthy lifestyle choices, your holistic dentist will take the health and lifestyle information you provide, combined with the in-depth knowledge of your ongoing dental health, and suggest best at-home practices for a whole body approach to wellness.
  6. Extensive Knowledge: Providing the most cutting-edge dental treatments and techniques to provide superior dental care is at the core of a holistic dental practice. As such, you will find Dr. Bis and her team involved in regular continuing education seminars around the world. If there’s a technique that could benefit her patients, Dr. Bis will find it.

If you would like to learn more about our approach to holistic dentistry or have a question about your specific situation, get in touch with Oakville dentist, Dr. Agatha Bis by calling 905.338.6684 or by completing the form below.

710 Dorval Dr #220

Oakville, ON L6K 3V7

(905) 338-6684

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Opening Hours

Mon - Fri: 9am – 5pm