Four Tips to Get Your Dental Habits Back on Track

4 Sep

Are your Dental Habits struggling since Summer Vacation?

Have you turned a blind eye over the past few months to your family’s sugar-intake and dental oral hygiene routines because, “Hey, it’s summer?” Welcome to September and the end of the summer-spiral! It’s time to get back on track and re-introduce good oral hygiene habits throughout the day. Here are some tips from family and holistic dentist, Dr. Agatha Bis, to get you started in the right direction.

Tip #1: A Family who brushes together…. Take the two minutes of brushing time (and then the extra flossing time, right?) to connect with your family and foster a sense of togetherness. The bonus is that you can help if needed or simply ensure it’s getting done. If your kids really hate the process, splurge and get them that cool toothbrush that you have avoided, or a fancy timer that they can set themselves. Whatever you can do to make brushing interactive and fun, will help.

Tip #2: Banish the “Do as I say, not as I do” mentality. You really are your child’s first, and best, role model. Showing them that you respect and take care of your teeth and health will help them follow suit. Kids are smart, much smarter than we give them credit for, and if you are pushing twice daily brushing, while going to bed without, they will notice. Make sure your dental habits reflect the ones you are trying to instil in them. If you have had any cosmetic or reparative dentistry over the last little bit, share those stories too. You want them to understand that a good smile is more than just cosmetic, it is healthy.

Tip #3: Empower kids to make healthy food and drink choices. Until your child starts purchasing his/her own food, you hold the purchasing power. We’re not saying to deny all treats, Dr. Bis has been known to love a good cookie now and again, but make treats the exception, not the rule. Dr. Bis recommends a holistic nutrition plan that benefits your dental care, and includes foods and drinks loaded with calcium, magnesium, vitamins A, B, C and D, and omega-3 fats. Look to add more water, leafy greens (especially great if you are open to juicing), apples, nuts, seeds, and plenty of fruits and vegetables into your diet. Get your kids involved in the shopping and preparation… it may add some time, but you are helping them feel empowered in their choices.

Tip #4: Reward, reward, reward. Why not? When in life did reward for good behaviour become synonymous with bribery? As adults we reward ourselves often with a fancy coffee, trip to the mall, spa day, so why not reward our kids for their successes. Institute a gold-star system for awesome brushing and flossing; leave encouraging notes beside their toothbrush for them to find; take them on a special outing after a visit to the dentist. You know your kid best… what would they love?

Preventive and Holistic Family Dentistry

Just think of the time you are putting in now as an insurance policy against future dental work. With proper preventive care and dentistry, you are helping limit your child’s future cosmetic and restorative dentistry visits. That might just be the best reason of all to put in that little extra effort.

If you would like improve your dental habits or learn more about our approach to holistic dentistry and/or cosmetic dentistry in Oakville, get in touch with Oakville Dentist, Dr. Agatha Bis and her team by calling 905.338.6684 or by completing the form below.

Dr. Agatha Bis Dentistry is located in Oakville Ontario and helps patients from Oakville, Burlington, Hamilton, Mississauga and Toronto with their holistic and cosmetic dental needs.

710 Dorval Dr #220

Oakville, ON L6K 3V7

(905) 338-6684

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Mon - Fri: 9am – 5pm