Colloidal Silver – How Does it Benefit your Dental Health?

4 Oct

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Colloidal silver is a natural supplement that can help with many common health issues instead of filling your body with over-the-counter and prescription drugs.

Colloidal silver has been used in medicine since the early 20th century to improve overall health and oral health. Recent research has demonstrated its antibacterial qualities in the treatment of a variety of common concerns like bacterial and viral infections, skin wounds, inflammation, sinusitis, cold, and flu.

While research supports its effectiveness and holistic practitioners reinforce its usefulness in improving overall health, it’s important to know that colloidal silver may not be the “cure” for the above-mentioned diseases. Colloidal silver is not a substitute for therapy and treatment. Staying on schedule with periodontal therapy recommended by your dentist is important.

What is Colloidal Silver?

Before fridges were invented, a silver coin placed inside of a carton of milk was used to prevent the growth of bacteria, algae, and other microorganisms. Silver was also used frequently to stop the spread of diseases and as a natural antibiotic.

There are many types of silver available on the market, but it is important to note that colloidal silver is the only one that is proven to show results. Its efficacy is evident over years of use by holistic doctors alike.

How Does it Work?

There are three ways that colloidal silver can help the body heal by preventing bacteria from reproducing:

  1. Catalytic Oxidation (depriving the bacteria of oxygen)
  2. Reaction with Bacterial Cell Membranes (eventually causing depletion of oxygen to bacteria)
  3. Binding with DNA (prevent the DNA from unwinding, a process that allows bacterial reproduction)

Colloidal Silver and Gum Disease

A study published in 2016 showed that silver is a powerful anti-bacterial and can be used as a rinse to help reduce bacteria in the mouth that contributes to gum disease. If you or someone you know is diagnosed with gum disease, adding a colloidal silver rinse to your daily oral care routine can help prevent further spread of bacteria.

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How Can It Help My Health?

Antibacterial: One research study conducted by UCLA saw 650 disease-causing pathogens destroyed in a matter of minutes when exposed to a small amount of colloidal silver.

Skin health and wound care: In another research article by Pharmacognosy Communications, it was found that topical use could treat burns, thrush, periodontitis, eczema and psoriasis, among other skin conditions.

Pink eye and ear infections: Well known for its efficacy in treating bacterial, fungal and viral infections, it can also be used to treat eye and ear infections by withdrawing the bacteria electromagnetically and sending them to the bloodstream for removal.

Antiviral: Helps to suffocate viruses such as HIV/AIDS, pneumonia, herpes, shingles and warts, thus reducing effects of the diseases.

Anti-inflammatory: The National Institutes of Health (NIH) conducted research on inflammation in pig’s skin with colloidal silver treatment and the study showed the skin reaching near-normal levels after 72 hours.

Sinusitis: Use in a neti pot or as a nasal spray to improve the healing of sinus colds and infections, as well as provide relief to some forms of asthma.

Cold/Flu: Use to help prevent and treat the common cold and flu.

Pneumonia: If pneumonia turns viral, antibiotics will no longer help. Because colloidal silver helps medical issues regardless of the pathogen, it becomes helpful in cases such as these where the main perpetrator is a virus.

If you are interested to read more about supplementation and holistic dentistry try:

Healthy Mouth: At Home Tips

Holistic Dentistry Oakville

6 Vitamins for your Smile

Questions about colloidal silver, holistic dentistry in Oakville, or gum disease? Interested to learn more about your particular situation? Call 905-338-6684 or fill out the form below to get in touch with Oakville holistic dentist Dr. Agatha Bis.

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