Articles posted by Dr. Agatha Bis

7 Feb
TMJ Migraine Treatment Oakville

Effect of Posture on Migraine Pain and pain in ear and jaw

Patients who experience frequent migraine pain and ear and jaw pain very often experience a lower quality of life. They are frequently…

4 Feb
Oil Pulling | Smiles By Bis

Oil-Pulling Miracles?

Oil Pulling is an alternative treatment that suggests it gets rid of unwanted bacteria in your body and around your mouth. Holistic…

1 Feb
Facial Pain Specialist In Oakville

Complex TMD & Facial Pain – How Teeth Contribute

Neuromuscular dentists are trained in the use and management of an orthotic appliance to address the following more complex craniomandibular and cervical…

710 Dorval Dr #220

Oakville, ON L6K 3V7

(905) 338-6684

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Mon - Fri: 9am – 5pm