You Can’t Pour From an Empty Cup – Mike’s Story

19 Oct
Empty Cup | Smiles By Bis

This is the fifth blog in the series You Can’t Pour From an Empty Cup

Mike is a therapist.  He helps people deal with their issues.  He helps couples come together, and he helps people manage their challenges.  But Mike had one of his own.  He used to be a marathon runner.  He used to be a friend.  He used to be a partner and, he tells me, quite a romantic one.  But over the last few years, the migraines got worse, and he lost his friends, his partner, and now he was starting to lose his clients.  The migraines had to go.

We did a scan to rule out tumours… just in case.  But Mike was actually super straight forward… too bad his doctor didn’t seem to think so.  Once we did a typical workup and diagnosed him, it took all of one week to treat him so he could get back to his life and be pain-free moving forward.  It’s been four years since I started treating him and to this day, he tells me that he didn’t realize how bad it got.  He was putting everyone else before himself and, in the end, ended up losing most of what was most important.  The pain is gone now and he is working on regaining his life, his business, and his running.  And I am so grateful that I got to play a small part in all of that.  Because in the end, I want to make sure I can help those that keep giving to others, put themselves last, and in the end, need someone to take over so they can heal and start to live again.

Read all of the blogs in this series

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