On a Lighter Note…Early Patient Feedback

18 Jun
Lighter Note | Smiles By Bis

As we slowly return to our dental office and maneuver through the new rules and regulations, we are asking our patients to share with us how they feel about coming into our office and the new changes we’ve had to implement.  The overall patient feedback is super positive; most patients love the pace and way we are doing things now and feel safe coming in and getting treatment done.  Here is a summary of what we’ve been hearing back from patients after coming into the office:

Way Better Appointment Than Ever Before

This one comes from a few patients, said in different ways but the same message, when they talk about the fact that I am with them the entire appointment and do not have to leave to check other patients. The new rules have basically eliminated my ability to step out of the treatment room until finished, which means the patient I am with gets my full attention

Calm Atmosphere

All the patients we’ve seen have commented on the fact that they don’t feel rushed, everything is slower-paced and they feel an overall calm from me and my hygienist. We have worked very hard to create new systems in the office prior to re-opening, which have resulted in improved delivery of care as well as better flow to each appointment

Level of Safety and Sterilization

“I’ve always known you guys go above and beyond when it comes to sterilization and protection of patients but this is remarkable!” One of the first patients seen after re-opening said this when she saw the new changes to protocols around sterilization and safety – we’ve always implemented exceptional standards of infection control and sterilization but most patients were not aware of these. With the new regulations, we are showing our patients some of the details around how we protect you and ensure that you are in the safest place possible when you come into our office

Loving the Zoom Consultations

Many patients who require significant dentistry or have a situation that has a need for extensive conversation or may result in multiple questions have been a challenge to accommodate due to the new regulations as being in PPE makes it difficult to talk and provide proper information and education… until we switched to Zoom. When patients came in requiring a longer discussion or had lots of questions, we collected all the information, x-rays, photos and anything else I needed to discuss options, then scheduled a Zoom consultation where I was able to screen share and discuss options, risks, benefits, consequences and related costs without having to rush or be awkward dressed in full PPE.  I’ve done several Zoom consultations with patients requiring more time and because I do these after hours or from home when I don’t have to rush off to anything, I can provide my patient more time in a more relaxed setting.  It’s been one of the best changes we’ve implemented and despite some reluctance from a few people, each person who participated in a Zoom consultation has absolutely loved it.

Online Paperwork Created Simplicity

By switching to an online platform for all billing and payment and scheduling, as per the regulations to minimize exposure to multiple staff members, Sue has been able to work more efficiently, giving her much more time to spend with patients on the phone. The patients who called us and spoke to Sue have all given patient feedback that it’s really nice to talk to Sue without her constantly being interrupted or rushed because another person was waiting for her.  Sue has been able to connect with our patients in a more meaningful way and help clarify and explain all the changes to the office as they impact each person differently.

As difficult and challenging this time has been for everyone, I feel like we’ve found ways to improve, re-focus, and re-set so we can create a dental office that’s out of this world.

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710 Dorval Dr #220

Oakville, ON L6K 3V7

(905) 338-6684

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Opening Hours

Mon - Fri: 9am – 5pm