Before searching “Find a dentist near me”

22 Apr

“Find a dentist near me” isn’t always the best way to start your online search for a dentist.

Tooth pain, dental emergencies, and accidents happen. We recognize the urgency in these situations and it makes sense to address the problem quickly and effectively, which is why  searching for a dentist by proximity wouldn’t be our first step.

“Find a dentist near me” isn’t the best way to start your online search for a dentist and in this blog, we’ll explain why.

You name it, we’ve seen it done poorly – Fillings, root canal treatment, crowns, bridges

We’ve had more than a few patients come to our dental clinic for help after they’ve already received treatment somewhere else. What starts as a chipped tooth, broken tooth, or a cosmetic procedure like a full-mouth restoration ends up being something much more. This is often because the initial assessment is rushed, or the work is poor.

In many cases, the patients searched, “find a dentist near me” and made a decision on treatment based on a dentist who was close, immediately available, and least expensive at the time they needed help. In the end, they pay more in terms of comfort, health, and cost because their first treatment went badly, caused more damage and needed to be redone.

Do you need to find an Oakville dentist quickly?

If you need a dentist, here are some helpful tips to consider before searching for a dentist near you so that you can find the right treatment even when dealing with a dental emergency.

5 Tips Before Searching “Find a dentist near me”:

1. Start your search by looking for the specific type of care you need rather than by location. Do you need a loose filling fixed? Teeth cleaning? Extensive cosmetic work to replace missing or damaged teeth? Do you have existing medical conditions that factor into the type of treatment you can receive?

2. Not all dentists offer the same approach to care. The dental office down the street may be convenient but not the best choice for your specific situation. For example, if you need to repair broken teeth look for a cosmetic dentist experienced in this type of restoration. If you want your mercury fillings out, find a SMART certified dentist who runs a mercury safe practice.

3. Improper treatment now can lead to more cost later on. It’s vital that you find a dentist whose work speaks for itself. Ask for referrals and recommendations from people you trust.

4. Treatment decisions based on cost. Quick fixes now can create problems later. From a patient’s perspective, the treatment choice is often dictated by what insurance will and will not cover. It’s important to know that if a service or treatment isn’t covered by insurance, that does not mean it isn’t needed or worth doing.

5. Don’t let insurance carriers dictate your healthcare. Get the treatment you need, not what your insurer will cover. Insurers make money when you choose the “quick fix” which also happens to be the least expensive option.

Emergency dental work is an unexpected cost, but there are things you can do to make sure your investment is long lasting and good for your health. Do your research even in an emergency and be ready to qualify whether or not a particular dental office is right for you.

If you have questions about dental emergencies or are curious to find out if Dr. Agatha Bis is the right Oakville dentist for you, call 905-338-6684  or fill out the form below. Our holistic dental clinic is located in Oakville, Ontario and services patients from Oakville, Burlington, Hamilton, Mississauga and Toronto.

710 Dorval Dr #220

Oakville, ON L6K 3V7

(905) 338-6684

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Mon - Fri: 9am – 5pm