Can you make my headaches stop?

15 Feb
Business Woman With Headache | Smiles By Bis

Many people who suffer with chronic pain have seen between 5-8 doctors, and tried many different medications and treatments, and most of them don’t resolve the symptoms long-term.  The main reason is that these medications and treatments do not treat the underlying cause of the problem and only mask it temporarily.  But most often, facial, head, jaw and neck pain is caused by the bite that is not aligned properly.  This results in muscle tension and constant pull and when muscles are constantly overworked, this result in pain.

Through the use of TENS, TekScan, measurements, comprehensive examination, and an understanding of neuromuscular position, a dentist with training in this area can not only finally properly diagnose your condition, but also discuss possible options for permanently fixing it.  Since understanding and extensive knowledge when it comes to bite position and jaw issues (TMJ or TMD) is key to finding solutions, it can sometimes become challenging to find answers.  Many of our patients that walk through our door have been to several places looking for answers and end up coming here after a referral from the Pain Clinic or from their surgeon after even surgery has not been effective.

We usually start with a consultation in order to find out more about each patient and get a thorough history of how they got to where they are now.  In many cases, there is a past traumatic event that triggered or started the initial symptoms, but over time, as the pain got worse, the medications or other therapy has not been effective.  Based on this consultation, and gathering of information, I will do a preliminary exam to look for certain key factors that can play a role in helping me diagnose and determine whether your condition is actually bite related or not.  And if so, I can then help guide you in the right direction in order to find answers and long-term solutions.  To learn more, contact us to schedule a consultation.

Book a Tele-Dentistry Appointment Today

710 Dorval Dr #220

Oakville, ON L6K 3V7

(905) 338-6684

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Opening Hours

Mon - Fri: 9am – 5pm