Getting S.M.A.R.T. about Amalgam Filling Removal

18 Sep

If you are over 40, this matters to you! Get your Amalgam Filling Removal taken care of for long-term health benefits.

When you look into the mouth of anybody over the age of 40, you will likely see evidence of amalgam fillings… the silver ones. However, modern dental practitioners, like Dr. Agatha Bis, are primarily using composite resin fillings or porcelain onlays, and, when it makes sense, are replacing outdated amalgam fillings with the newer, more biocompatible material.

Our thoughts on Amalgam Filling Removal

“As a holistic dental practice, we feel strongly that amalgam fillings (mercury fillings) are not the best option as a dental material and that there are safer materials available that do the job even better without the corrosion and fractures associated with amalgams,” says, Dr. Bis, Owner of Smiles by Bis in Oakville. “The research has shown that when those with traditional mercury fillings chew, grind their teeth, or simply brush, a mercury vapour is released into the body. While some reports say that trace amounts of mercury are not harmful, we would rather adopt a zero tolerance policy.”

So what do you do if you have the silver fillings? First off, don’t panic. Dr. Bis and her team believe that when you know better, you do better. Step one… visit Dr. Bis and discuss your options for transitioning to the composite resin fillings or porcelain.

Should I Consider Replacing my Mercury Fillings?

We believe that each individual has the right to decide the materials they want placed in their mouth to treat their dental issues. Of course, your dentist plays an important collaborative role in educating you on those choices, but ultimately the decision is yours.

You may be a candidate for mercury fillings replacement if:

  1. You are simply concerned with the health risks associated with the mercury fillings
  2. You feel any kind of sensitivity or pain on your old fillings
  3. You are dissatisfied with the silver appearance of the mercury fillings
  4. You notice holes, cracks or discolouration of your fillings
  5. You simply choose to replace your old fillings

Removing Your Amalgam Fillings: The Process

Dr. Agatha Bis and her team are experienced and certified in the Safe Mercury Amalgam Removal Technique (S.M.A.R.T.). While it may seem over the top, your protection and the protection of the team is of the utmost importance. There will be many safeguards in place before the removal of the amalgam filling, including the use of proper protective coverings for everybody in the room, including you. The clinic has proper venting and mercury disposal units to reduce any mercury vapours released into the air.

To begin, Dr. Bis will likely ask you to rinse or swallow a charcoal and spirulina (or similar) type liquid before isolating the tooth or teeth to be worked upon. She will also provide you with a nasal mask to ensure you do not inhale any mercury vapours released during the procedure. Once everything is in place, she will remove the filling in a specific way in order to minimize mercury blasting. Once the filling has been completely removed, the area will be cleaned and replenished with healing compounds in order to prepare the tooth for bonding your new restoration. At the end of your appointment, you might be asked to do another charcoal rinse (this is patient-specific and might not be necessary).

If you would like to learn more about our approach to safe amalgam filling removal and/or cosmetic dentistry in Oakville, or have a question about your specific situation, get in touch with Oakville Dentist, Dr. Agatha Bis and her team by calling 905.338.6684 or by completing the form below.

Dr. Agatha Bis Dentistry is located in Oakville Ontario and helps patients from Oakville, Burlington, Hamilton, Mississauga and Toronto with their holistic and cosmetic dental needs.

710 Dorval Dr #220

Oakville, ON L6K 3V7

(905) 338-6684

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Opening Hours

Mon - Fri: 9am – 5pm